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After the tulips are done, the forsythia blooms in mid March.
This "Kwanzan Cherry" Tree blooms in early April.
View of the backyard from the opposite angle from above. Note
that the Cherry, Peony, Wisteria, and Honeysuckle are all blooming
here (20 April 2002).
On this day, I had just started the pond again for the year.
The water looks great.
The same angle from above, except shot about one year later (27 April
2003). Note
the wisteria almost covering the pergola.
This wisteria was planted in 1997, and finally bloomed in the spring
of 2002! The previous years,
I had been training it to go up the pergola, which involved constant
pruning and wiring.
We look forward to a shady area underneath it starting this
It will grow resting on the horizontal bars of the pergola.
are notoriously difficult to get to bloom. This one took
years! It was a big surprise when it did bloom, as I never
it to. They are beautiful long
strings of purple flowers. Their emergence was the highlight
of Spring 2002.
In 2003, the wisteria put on another great show. Over the
of the past year, it covered the
pergola nicely, and produced hundreds of blossoms. Their
show was matched by the
wonderful fragrance of the blossoms (5/2/2003).
In 2004, Ah-Mah saw the blooming wisteria for the first time.
bloomed just as Christopher had
his First Holy
She enjoyed their scent and their sight.
Spring time brings numerous nest builders to our trees.
This water iris is one of the plants in the front pond (5/01).