
Our Garden cont'd

These Lord Baltimore hibiscus are hardy perennials, and produce blooms as large
as dinner plates.

We have two large stands of Black-Eyed Susans (the yellow Maryland state flower) in front
of the house.  Their blooming starts in June, and if kept watered, will last through August.

The cosmos bloom in July and August, self-seeding for the next year.
The cosmos reminds us of our trips to Disney World.  Especially the
Paris exhibit in Epcot Center.

Humming birds visit throughout the summer.

Around the deck, we have planted grapes which bear fruit in August.

August 04, the grapes have climbed onto the chimney providing a contrast between
the hard red brick and the soft green leaves.

Among the leaves of the grape, Stephanie found this praying mantis, a very
beneficial insect (August 04).

Stephanie (8) and Christopher (5) enjoying the frogs, snails,
and fish of the back pond (August 2001).

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